* EC: Test Your Standards IQ[®] [Pearl: EOC, CJCP, SFT] EC News, November 2014, Vol 17, #7, Pg 2 JCe1411_B5
There are 5 practice questions (answers on page 11) related to the following standards:
• EM.02.01.01, Note and EP 1 – What are the 6 critical areas of emergency management?
• EC.02.04.01, EP 2 – Must all medical equipment be inventoried?
• LS.01.01.01, Introduction – How often must the BBI be reviewed?
• LS.02.01.20, EP 1 – Doors in a means of egress must swing in which direction?
• EC.02.05.07, EP 6 – How often should transfer switches be tested?
Tip: Select questions from among this group and others
•see also SPHCC EOC Tests/Q&A Custom Information Feed) to create mock tracer probes and pre-survey quizzes for your engineers and others.