**WHAT’S NEW for December 2013
- Your Feedback Is Essential To Our Quality!
- Whether you are a PDCA die hard or DMAIC devotee, you know that quality is a dynamic, cyclical concept requiring ongoing improvement. You also know that part of that cycle must involve monitoring, evaluation, assessment, re-assessment…; in other words, some kind of feedback. As we complete another year, we would like to ask for your feedback on this newsletter. Yes, we would enjoy receiving compliments so we know what things to maintain, but, we are also very interested in your constructive criticism and improvement suggestions as well. Those are what help us get better! It’s your turn to share.
*****Guests Click here to take survey***** ***Members Click here to take survey***
Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- R-Tip#12: The Tipping Point – Throughout the course of this year, we have been providing you with ideas and suggestions for getting the most out of this newsletter. Did you miss one? Can’t quite remember one you previously read? Thanks to your suggestions, we have compiled Tips #1-11 for your reference and will make them a regular feature in the newsletter. Just click on the word “Tips” in the heading of this section.
- PR: Collecting a Patient’s Preferred Language Ftxt [REF:PtAd, RN, SW]
- TS: Complying with NPSG.15.01.01 Ftxt [REF: BHC, MD, SW]
- TS: Laboratory Integration Tracer Ftxt [REF: Lab, MD, P&T]
- TS: CJCP: Focus on Emergency Management Standards Ftxt [REF: CJCP, E&M, MD]
- EC: A Deep Dive Into: EC.02.03.05 (EPs1-4) Ftxt [REF: EOC, SFT]
- EC: EOC/LS: Questions from the field answered by Joint Commission experts Ftxt [Pearl: CJCP, EOC, SFT]
- CM: EMTALA Requirements & Conflicting Payor Requirements/Collection Practices
Ftxt [REF: JGB, LDR, MD, PtAd] C
** Key: Ftxt=Full Text Link PR=Perspectives (JcE), TS=The Source (JcS), EC=EC News (JcE), CM=CMS, JO=JC Online, TP=JC Topics **[More Abbreviations] **