- Fresh SPHCC
- Guests & Visitors – We welcome you to this Highlights section of our newsletter. As you will see below, it contains a listing of our best reading recommendations and some downloadable material for those who want to keep up with compliance issues in the field of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry.
- Current Members: Your Custom Resource Pages (CRP) have now been updated to serve as your new home page. Please click on the abbreviation for your facility at the top of your CRP to review your Hospital Profile. Be sure to contact us about any updates that may be needed.
- Associates: We now have 3 levels of affiliation for associates. Go to the Associate Dashboard to learn more and look for the free trial of our new Associate Premier level.
Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- Format: The reference articles that constitute our ‘Recommended Reading’ section are now presented in smaller, distinct sections to support easier reading and later referencing. Members should also note the new option for discussion and submitting e-support requests by clicking on the comment link at the top of each reference article. Go ahead, ask us a question!
- PR: Sentinel Event Policy Expanded… [REF: JCCAP, JCSC, MDx,LDR, RNx]
- TS: Complying with Standard LD.04.04.03 [REF: JCSC, LDR, PI]
- TS: Self-Administration of Medications…MM.06.01.03 [REF: MDx, P&T, PtAd/Ed, Phrm, RN]
- TS: What’s New for Deemed Status Hospitals in 2013 [REF: JCSC, LDR, MDx, P&T, Phrm, RNx]
- TS: JCCAP™: How to Prepare for Your Exam [REF: JCCAP, JCSC]
- EC: Protection requirements for wall openings [REF: E&M, JCSC, SFT]
- See also [Ftxt] and Full Text Articles below
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