• EC: – Tracing the Environment of Care: A sample fire safety mock tracer you can use [REF: EOC, E&M, SFT, JCSC] [Ftxt] E C News September 2012, Pg 8, Vol 15, # 9 #JCe1209_B7 A mock EC tracer usually begins where a particular safety or security incident has occurred. Usually, much of the surveyor’s discussion with staff will be about their role in preventing/minimizing the particular risk in question and how they would appropriately respond. Here, a mock tracer scenario is presented that focused on aspects (i.e., priority focus areas (PFA)) of communication, orientation & training and physical environment as it related to the fire safety issue of the methods of entrance and egress through a hospital’s mechanical rooms. One nice aspect of this scenario is that it shows linkages between the scenario events and a set of sample questions.
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