Category: cat-rtn_1311

  • RTN1311_B6_Chassin @ High Reliability Framework

    • TS: –  Perspectives on Patient Safety: Chassin and Loeb: Framework Can Help Hospitals Achieve High Reliability[®] [REF: GB, JCSC, LDR, PI] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 15 JCs1311_B6 This is the second offering this month in a major TJC periodical that focuses on High Reliability and references the  article “High-Reliability Health…

  • RTN1311_B7_LD.0103.01 & CMS POC

    • TS: – CMS: Preparing a Plan of Correction[®] [REF: CMS, CJCP, GB, JCSC, LDR] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 16 JCs1311_B7 Now that TJC has deemed status from CMS for the two special Conditions of Participation for psychiatric hospitals, most CMS requirements will be evaluated via TJC survey. However, it is…

  • RTN1311_B8_CMS Categorical Waivers

    • EC: – Clarifications and Expectations: What the CMS Life Safety Code Waivers Mean for You: Getting your questions answered[®] [REF: CMS, EOC, SFT] EC News November 2013, Vol 16, #11, Pg 1 JCe1311_B8 Two months ago in the 9/11/13 issue of Joint Commission Online, TJC reported on the seven topical areas (i.e., • Openings…