Category: cat-rtn_1311

  • RTN1311_B3_2013 Hospital Exec Briefings

    • TS: –  Connecting the Dots: Highlights of the 2013 Hospital Executive Briefings[®] [PEARL: IC, JCSC, LDR, MD] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 1  JCs1311_B3 One key aspect of the annual Hospital Executive Briefings is a focus on the most challenging standards and hottest issues for hospitals. This article contains a listing…

  • RTN1311_B4_MM.07.01.03 ADEs

    • TS: –  5 Sure-Fire Methods: Complying with Standard MM.07.01.03[®] [REF: MD, P&T, Phrm] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 2  JCs1311_B4 Full compliance with MM.07.01.03 requires having a process for responding to actual/potential ADEs, significant adverse drug reactions, and medication errors. It also requires staff to be aware of the process and…

  • RTN1311_B5_Tracer @ PC.02.03.01 (PtEd)

    • TS: –  Tracer Methodology 101: Patient or Resident Education Tracer in a Nursing Home[®]  [REF: PtEd, RN] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #1, Pg 7  JCs1311_B5 Although the setting for this tracer is a nursing home, its focus is upon standard  PC.02.03.01 that is relevant and applicable to psychiatric hospitals.  As such, the 10…