Category: cat-rtn_1309

  • RTN1309_B3_Standards IQ Quiz

    • EC: – Test your Standards IQ[®] [REF: CJCP, E&M, JCSC, SFT] EC News September 2013, Vol 16, #9, Pg 2  #JCe1309_B3 The series continues with 5 more questions (with answers on page 11) related to the following challenging (and frequently cited) requirements:• Emergency response exercises: EM.03.01.03, EP 2  • Hazardous material procedures: EC.02.02.01, EP 3•…

  • RTN1309_B4_LSC & NFPA

    • EC: – Expert Insight on Life Safety[®] [REF: E&M, SFT] EC News September 2013, Vol 16, #9, Pg 5  #JCe1309_B4 In the absence of its official monthly Clarifications & Expectations column, TJC has posted clarifications on 6 challenging (and frequently cited) Life Safety Code Standards from its new book, The Joint Commission/NFPA® Life Safety Book…

  • RTN1309_B5_CMS Waivers @ LSC/NFPA

    • JCo: – CMS grants waivers to several areas of the Life Safety Code®[®]  [REF: CMS, E&M, JCSC, SFT, LDR]  Joint Commission Online, September 11, 2013, Pg 1  #JCo1309_B5 Concern about potentially unreasonable hardship on organizations attempting to comply with selected Life Safety Code requirements has resulted in CMS granting waivers in the following areas:…